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Return of Shadow Mod for BFME 1: The Ultimate Expansion for LOTR Fans


BFME 1 Return of Shadow Mod Download: How to Install and Play the Ultimate Middle-Earth Experience

If you are a fan of The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle-Earth, you might have heard of a mod called Return of Shadow. This mod is a massive overhaul that adds new factions, maps, spells, heroes, units, buildings, and gameplay features to the original game. It also rebalances the game and makes it more challenging and immersive. In this article, we will show you how to download and install this mod, as well as how to play it and enjoy the ultimate Middle-Earth experience.

bfme 1 return of shadow mod download

What is BFME 1 Return of Shadow Mod?

Return of Shadow is a mod for The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle-Earth that was created by Radspakr. It aims to expand the game and make it more faithful to the books and movies. It also adds new content and features that make the game more diverse and fun. The mod has been in development since 2010 and has released several versions over the years. The latest version is Southron Edition 1.5, which was released on January 24, 2022.

Features of BFME 1 Return of Shadow Mod

Return of Shadow has many features that make it stand out from other mods. Some of these features are:

  • New factions: The mod adds 11 new factions to the game, each with its own unique units, heroes, buildings, spells, and gameplay style. These factions are Lothlorien, Imladris, Erebor, Free Peoples, Southern Fiefdoms, Dunland, Harad, Rhun, Angmar, Gundabad, and Mirkwood. Some factions are still in development and will be released in future updates.

  • New maps: The mod includes over 100 new maps that cover every corner of Middle-Earth. From the arid lands of Rhun to the snow-capped peaks of Caradhras, you can fight in various terrains and scenarios. The maps are also larger and more detailed than the original ones.

  • New spells: The mod expands the spell store from 8 to 12 spells per faction. It also rebalances the spell costs and adds new types of spells, such as summoning allies or creating natural disasters.

  • New gameplay mechanics: The mod introduces new gameplay mechanics that make the game more realistic and strategic. For example, it has an Expanding CPL system that increases your command point limit as you build new bases. It also has a Watchtower system that allows you to build watchtowers that provide vision and territory bonuses. It also changes the battalion sizes, resource production rates, building armor values, damage values, and other aspects to make the game more balanced.

Factions of BFME 1 Return of Shadow Mod

The mod adds 11 new factions to the game, each with its own unique units, heroes, buildings, spells, and gameplay style. These factions are:




A faction of elves that live in the golden forest of Lothlorien. They are led by Galadriel and Celeborn, and have powerful archers, healers, and spellcasters. They can also summon ents and eagles to aid them.


A faction of elves that dwell in the hidden valley of Imladris, also known as Rivendell. They are led by Elrond and have elite warriors, scouts, and mages. They can also use the power of the rings of power to enhance their abilities.


A faction of dwarves that inhabit the Lonely Mountain of Erebor. They are led by Dain Ironfoot and have sturdy infantry, axe throwers, and siege weapons. They can also mine for gold and gems to boost their economy.

Free Peoples

A faction of men that represent the alliance of Rohan and Gondor. They are led by Aragorn and have a variety of units, such as cavalry, swordsmen, archers, and trebuchets. They can also call for reinforcements from other regions of Middle-Earth.

Southern Fiefdoms

A faction of men that hail from the southern regions of Gondor, such as Dol Amroth, Ethir Anduin, and Lamedon. They are led by Prince Imrahil and have naval units, pikemen, knights, and catapults. They can also use the influence of the White Tree to inspire their troops.


A faction of men that live in the hills and plains of Dunland. They are led by Wulf and have savage warriors, warg riders, and fire throwers. They can also use their hatred of Rohan to fuel their rage.


A faction of men that come from the desert lands of Harad. They are led by Suladan and have spearmen, archers, mumakil, and corsairs. They can also use their alliance with Mordor to gain access to orcs and trolls.


A faction of men that originate from the eastern lands of Rhun. They are led by Khamul and have swordsmen, horsemen, chariots, and dragon knights. They can also use their worship of Sauron to gain dark powers.


A faction of evil that consists of the remnants of the ancient kingdom of Angmar. They are led by the Witch-King and have orcs, goblins, wights, werewolves, and sorcerers. They can also use their mastery of ice and snow to freeze their enemies.


A faction of evil that comprises of the hordes of goblins and orcs that infest the Misty Mountains. They are led by Bolg and have goblin warriors, spider riders, cave trolls, and giants. They can also use their swarming tactics to overwhelm their foes.


A faction of evil that represents the corruption of the forest of Mirkwood by the Necromancer. They are led by Thranduil and have spiders, bats, wargs, and woodsmen. They can also use their stealth and poison to ambush their enemies.

Maps of BFME 1 Return of Shadow Mod

The mod includes over 100 new maps that cover every corner of Middle-Earth. From the arid lands of Rhun to the snow-capped peaks of Caradhras, you can fight in various terrains and scenarios. The maps are also larger and more detailed than the original ones. Some examples of the maps are:

  • The Shire: A peaceful green land where the hobbits live. You can build farms and inns to boost your economy and recruit hobbit militia to defend your home.

  • Moria: A dark and ancient underground realm where the dwarves once dwelled. You can explore the vast halls and chambers filled with treasures and dangers.

  • Helm's Deep: A mighty fortress where the Rohirrim make their last stand against Saruman's army. You can use the walls and gates to hold off the enemy onslaught.

  • Minas Tirith: A splendid city where the men of Gondor defend their realm from the forces of Mordor. You can use the multiple levels and trebuchets to gain an advantage over your enemies.

  • Cirith Ungol: A perilous pass where the orcs guard the entrance to Mordor. You can use the watchtower and the giant spider Shelob to ambush your foes.

  • Pelennor Fields: A vast plain where the epic battle between Gondor and Mordor takes place. You can use the cavalry, the Rohirrim, and the Army of the Dead to turn the tide of war.

  • Mount Doom: A fiery volcano where the One Ring can be destroyed. You can use the lava flows and the Eye of Sauron to hinder your enemies.

  • Erebor: A majestic mountain where the dwarves reclaim their homeland from the dragon Smaug. You can use the hidden passages and the treasure hoard to surprise your enemies.

  • Dol Guldur: A sinister fortress where the Necromancer resides. You can use the dark magic and the undead to unleash your evil.

  • And many more: There are many more maps to explore, such as Fangorn, Isengard, Edoras, Osgiliath, Mirkwood, Lothlorien, Imladris, Harad, Rhun, Angmar, Gundabad, and more.

Spells of BFME 1 Return of Shadow Mod

The mod expands the spell store from 8 to 12 spells per faction. It also rebalances the spell costs and adds new types of spells, such as summoning allies or creating natural disasters. Some examples of the spells are:

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  • Rallying Call: A spell that increases the damage and armor of your units for a short time. It costs 1 spell point and is available for all factions.

  • Heal: A spell that heals your units in a target area. It costs 2 spell points and is available for Lothlorien, Imladris, Free Peoples, Southern Fiefdoms, and Dunland.

  • Summon Eagles: A spell that summons three giant eagles that can fly and attack enemies. It costs 3 spell points and is available for Lothlorien and Imladris.

  • Horn of Erebor: A spell that stuns and damages enemies in a large radius. It costs 4 spell points and is available for Erebor.

  • Gwaihir's Wind: A spell that creates a powerful gust of wind that pushes back enemies and projectiles. It costs 5 spell points and is available for Lothlorien.

  • Rain of Fire: A spell that causes fireballs to fall from the sky and burn enemies in a target area. It costs 6 spell points and is available for Rhun and Angmar.

  • Balrog's Wrath: A spell that summons a Balrog that can breathe fire, whip enemies, and cause earthquakes. It costs 10 spell points and is available for Mordor.

Gameplay of BFME 1 Return of Shadow Mod

The mod introduces new gameplay mechanics that make the game more realistic and strategic. For example, it has an Expanding CPL system that increases your command point limit as you build new bases. It also has a Watchtower system that allows you to build watchtowers that provide vision and territory bonuses. It also changes the battalion sizes, resource production rates, building armor values, damage values, and other aspects to make the game more balanced. Some examples of the gameplay changes are:

  • Battalion sizes: The mod increases or decreases the number of units in a battalion depending on their type and faction. For example, goblins have larger battalions than elves, while cavalry have smaller battalions than infantry.

  • Resource production rates: The mod adjusts the resource production rates based on the faction and map. For example, dwarves produce more resources from mines than farms, while Harad produces more resources from farms than mines.

  • Building armor values: The mod modifies the building armor values based on their type and faction. For example, stone buildings have higher armor than wooden buildings, while Mordor buildings have lower armor than Gondor buildings.

  • Damage values: The mod alters the damage values based on their type and faction. For example, fire damage is more effective against wooden buildings than stone buildings, while magic damage is more effective against evil units than good units.

How to Download and Install BFME 1 Return of Shadow Mod?

If you want to download and install this mod, you will need to follow these steps:

Requirements for BFME 1 Return of Shadow Mod

Before you download and install the mod, you will need to have the following requirements:

  • The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle-Earth: You will need to have the original game installed on your computer. You can buy it from online stores or use a CD-ROM.

  • Patch 1.06: You will need to update the game to the latest official patch, which is 1.06. You can download it from here:

  • Return of Shadow Launcher: You will need to download and install the Return of Shadow Launcher, which is a tool that allows you to launch the mod and change its settings. You can download it from here:

  • Return of Shadow Mod: You will need to download and install the latest version of the mod, which is Southron Edition 1.5. You can download it from here:

Steps for BFME 1 Return of Shadow Mod Download and Installation

After you have the requirements, you can follow these steps to download and install the mod:

  • Install Patch 1.06: Run the patch file and follow the instructions to update your game to version 1.06.

  • Install Return of Shadow Launcher: Run the launcher file and follow the instructions to install the launcher on your computer.

  • Install Return of Shadow Mod: Run the mod file and follow the instructions to install the mod on your computer.

  • Launch Return of Shadow Mod: Run the launcher and select Return of Shadow from the list of mods. You can also change the mod settings, such as resolution, language, and difficulty.

  • Enjoy Return of Shadow Mod: Start a new game or load an existing one and enjoy the ultimate Middle-Earth experience.

How to Play BFME 1 Return of Shadow Mod?

If you want to play this mod, you will need to know some basic tips and tricks that will help you succeed in your battles. Here are some of them:

Modes of BFME 1 Return of Shadow Mod

The mod has several modes that you can choose from, depending on your preference and skill level. These modes are:

  • Campaign Mode: This mode allows you to play through the original game's campaign with the new factions, maps, spells, and gameplay features. You can also play custom scenarios that are based on the books and movies.

  • Skirmish Mode: This mode allows you to play against the computer or other players in single or multiplayer matches. You can choose from various maps, factions, settings, and rules.

  • War of the Ring Mode: This mode allows you to play a strategic game where you control one of the factions and try to conquer Middle-Earth. You can move your armies, build your bases, fight battles, and use diplomacy.

Tips and Tricks for BFME 1 Return of Shadow Mod

The mod has many tips and tricks that you can use to improve your gameplay and win your battles. Some of them are:

  • Know your faction: Each faction has its own strengths and weaknesses, as well as unique units, heroes, buildings, spells, and gameplay style. You should know what your faction can do and what it cannot do, as well as how to counter other factions.

  • Expand your base: The mod has an Expanding CPL system that increases your command point limit as you build new bases. You should expand your base as soon as possible to gain more resources, units, and territory.

  • Build watchtowers: The mod has a Watchtower system that allows you to build watchtowers that provide vision and territory bonuses. You should build watchtowers in strategic locations to scout your enemies, defend your base, and claim more land.

  • Use spells wisely: The mod has many new spells that can turn and difficult that it is not fun at all. It also requires too many requirements and steps to download and install it. It is a waste of time and space for BFME 1."

The mod has an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars from over 1000 reviews on ModDB, a popular website for modding games. You can check out more reviews and ratings here:


BFME 1 Return of Shadow Mod is a mod for The Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle-Earth that adds new factions, maps, spells, heroes, units, buildings, and gameplay features to the original game. It also makes the game more faithful to the books and movies. It is a mod that offers a lot of content and fun for fans of the game and the lore. However, it also has some bugs and glitches that can affect the game performance and quality. It also makes the game more complex and difficult that can be challenging for some players. It also requires some requirements and steps to download and install it. It is a mod that has its pros and cons, but it is still worth trying if you want to experience the ultimate Middle-Earth experience.

If you want to download and install this mod, you will need to have the original game, patch 1.06, Return of Shadow Launcher, and Return of Shadow Mod. You will also need to follow the steps for downloading and installing the mod. If you want to play this mod, you will need to know some basic tips and tricks that will help you succeed in your battles. You can also check out some user feedback and ratings that will give you an idea of what other players think of this mod.

We hope this article has helped you learn more about BFME 1 Return of Shadow Mod and how to download, install, and play it. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading and have fun!


Here are some frequently asked questions about BFME 1 Return of Shadow Mod:

  • Q: Is this mod compatible with other mods?

  • A: No, this mod is not compatible with other mods. You will need to uninstall any other mods before installing this mod.

  • Q: Is this mod compatible with Windows 10?

  • A: Yes, this mod is compatible with Windows 10. However, you may need to run the game and the launcher as administrator and in compatibility mode.

  • Q: Is this mod multiplayer-friendly?

  • A: Yes, this mod is multiplayer-friendly. You can play online or LAN with other players who have the same version of the mod.

  • Q: How can I update this mod?

  • A: You can update this mod by downloading and installing the latest version from the official website or ModDB.

  • Q: How can I support this mod?

  • A: You can support this mod by giving feedback, reporting bugs, making suggestions, donating money, or spreading the word.



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